The Queensland Government has proposed new rules to govern the management of water and brine produced by the coal seam gas industry.


State Minister for Natural Resources and Mines, Andrew Cripps, said the proposed changes will deliver improved environmental outcomes and economic benefits for the industry and landholders.


Mr Cripps introduced proposed amendments to the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 in State Parliament today relating to CSG water and brine, registration of pipeline easements, and incidental activities across tenure associated with CSG-LNG projects. 


“The safe storage and treatment of water and brine produced by CSG activities is a priority issue for landholders and industry,” he said. 

“Currently, CSG companies store untreated water and brine in containment ponds on each petroleum lease and treat it through infrastructure built on site. It is inefficient and costly. 

“If the water and brine could be transported off-site to a central location for treatment and salt recovery, the environmental and economic benefits could be significant. 

“These amendments provide much-needed flexibility that will help reduce the CSG industry’s environmental footprint through centralising water treatment facilities and limiting the need for holding ponds on each petroleum lease.