BHP Group has concluded its five-week attempt to acquire Anglo American for nearly AU$75 billion.

Analysts say Australia is effectively giving away more than half of its gas reserves for free.

The NSW Government, in partnership with regional councils, is set to invest $201.9 million in infrastructure development for growing regional communities.

The Queensland Government has officially rejected a CCS proposal.

Researchers have outlined new directions in urban and regional planning.

A new type of concrete could recycle double the amount of coal ash compared to existing standards.

A new report calls for new technology to be used for disaster preparedness.

The CEFC has unveiled its largest financial commitment to date.

The NSW Government has secured an extension for the Eraring Power Station.

The Albanese Government has unveiled its National Battery Strategy to enhance domestic battery manufacturing capabilities.

A stuck tunnel boring machine has slowed progress on the Snowy 2.0 hydropower project.

The Federal Government is investing $65 million in SA's Northern Water Supply Project.

A new report finds running Australia on nuclear power would be one of the most expensive possible options.

EDO analysis has uncovered widespread greenwashing in major Australian sectors.

A green iron manufacturing facility in central Queensland is set to proceed thanks to federal government tax incentives for renewable hydrogen.

A lizard-inspired building system may prevent full-scale collapses.

New degrees in planning and surveying aim to address a critical skills shortage.

The Mining and Energy Union has accused Rio Tinto of risking workers' safety following a train derailment in Western Australia.

Work Health and Safety (WHS) ministers have agreed on moves to address the rising concern of silicosis among workers.

The Victorian Government is set to introduce new legislation to better protect customer-facing workers ...

A Federal Court ruling allows coal and gas projects to continue ignoring the impacts of their emissions.

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