The Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics and Sciences has released its annual report into energy use and consumption throughout the country.

The report finds that while demand for energy continues to grow, the overall rate of increase has begun to decline. The rate of increase over the 2009-2010 period was .2%, an overall decrease from the average rate increase of 1.7% over the last 10 years.

Domestic consumption of total energy production has continued to decline, the report found that local consumption of energy production has dropped to 33%, down from 42% in the 1990's.

The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) latest report on Australian mineral statistics has found that Australia’s export earnings from energy and mineral commodities increased by 25% last year, to $165 billion.

The Environmental Protection Authority has recommended against a controversial coal mine being established near Margaret River in Western Australia's south west.

General Electric (GE) has announced plans to open an $80 million custom-built state-of-the-art resources technology and learning complex at Jandakot Airport in Western Australia.

An 18 month apprenticeship training program for 1,000 workers and $200 million to fund targeted training projects for skills in critical demand are among a range of initiatives to address skills shortages in Australia’s resources sector.

An Aboriginal organisation, the Lhere Artepe Group,  has bought a controlling interest in civil engineering company, CDE.

The Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority has given the green light to the $A6 billion Oakajee port and 570-kilometre rail development.

The Queensland Government has announced the membership of a new Surat Basin Engagement Committee that will consider the range of issues surrounding the development of coal seam gas in the state.

NSW Premier Kristina Keneally has announced that a future Labor government would prohibit exploration for coal seam gas near national parks and ban the use of toxic BTEX chemicals in extracting gas.

Blasting at BMA’s Saraji and Peak Downs coal mines in Queensland has been put on hold by the Queensland Mines Inspectorate following two incidents on March 6 when miners were exposed to nitrogen oxide gas as a result of blasting.

Australia will negotiate a nuclear safeguards agreement with the United Arab Emirates to pave the way for uranium sales.

A new planning framework to guide development in the Pilbara has been released in response to many of the opportunities and challenges facing the region.

The new premises of specialist steel fabricator, Modular Engineering, has been launched at the Australia Marine Complex (AMC) in Henderson.

Xstata plans to more than double output of zinc-lead concentrates from its McArthur River mine in the Northern Territory and upgrade three smelters worldwide, in a bid to extend the life of the isolated mine.

Two miners have been awarded top honours at the 2011 Queensland Resources Council Resources Awards for Women.

The expansion of the natural gas network to regional communities across Victoria is a step closer as the government progresses the delivery of its $100 million Energy for the Regions program.

WA energy minister Peter Collier has launched the latest initiative in planning for the State’s future energy needs.

The Wallarah 2 coal mine has been rejected by the NSW Department of Planning.

Latest coal export data confirm that the Queensland industry is operating at around two-thirds of its capacity compared with 12 months ago.

Queensland Resources Council Chief Executive Michael Roche said that in February 2011, Queensland exported 8 million tonnes of coal compared with 12 million tonnes in February 2010.

‘This is only one month’s worth of exports, but the numbers are consistent with company reports and the QRC’s own estimates of a 30 million tonne downturn in coal production in 2010-11 caused by wet season floods,’ Mr Roche said.

‘Three out of four coal mines are still working to remove water from their properties under special environmental discharge approvals from the state government.

‘These special discharge approvals are of limited benefit without the right rainfall pattern, and there is now growing concern over the outlook for continuing rain in the coal regions and possible formation of another tropical cyclone.

‘What can be pumped off a site can be replaced just as quickly by such rainfall, and your flooded coal pit is then right back to square one of the business recovery phase.’

Mr Roche said it was pleasing to note that Queensland’s new Minister for Employment, Skills and Mining, Stirling Hinchliffe, had wasted no time in personally inspecting some of the Bowen Basin’s flood-affected mines.

The QRC and independent consultants have forecast coal production losses of at least $5 billion this financial year, with resulting lost royalties of $400 million.

The Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI) is undertaking a review of the tenure framework that regulates exploration for, and development of, Queensland’s coal seam gas (CSG) and coal resources.

A $1.3 billion dredging project will see Gladstone Port become one of the world’s major Liquid Natural Gas exporter.

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