WA Premier Colin Barnett has confirmed an extension to the deadline for a final decision on the future of the Oakajee Port and Rail project (OPR), after considerable deliberation.

Barnett says the extension was granted following agreement from OPR proponents to abide by new “rigorous” requirements for project reporting and finalisation. 

“The extension is the best way to secure infrastructure vital for the future both of the Mid-West and Western Australia,” the Premier says.

The proposed Byerwen coal mine in Queensland has been declared a “significant project” by the Queensland Coordinator-General, paving the way for the developers JFE Steel and QCoal to start the Environmental Impact Statement.

Mining royalties have continued to strengthen Western Australia’s economy, with the government sector recording a $1.1 billion surplus for the first half of the financial year.

The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE) is predicting a positive outlook for the global steel industry in 2010-11, which will drive iron ore and metallurgical coal exports up to $35.1 billion and $30.5 billion respectively.

Great South Land Minerals is taking the Tasmanian Government to court for withdrawing its exploration leases in the Central Highlands.

Esteemed academic Professor Paul Greenfield AO has been appointed to head the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) board.

Traditional land holders in Tennant Creek have signed an agreement to mine Australia’s largest phosphate deposit.

A central Queensland coroner has made 24 recommendations to address fatigue on roads and in the mining industry.

The mining boom is highlighting capacity constraints and masking underlying structural weaknesses in Australia’s economy, according to the Minerals Council of Australia’s Pre-Budget submission to the Federal Government.

The Prime Minister Julia Gillard has outlined the Government’s carbon price mechanism, which it plans to establish mid next year.

The Federal Minister for Transport, Anthony Albanese, has released a draft strategy on developing a national freight network to integrate road, rail, ports and airports.

Tony Burke, Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, has approved, with strict environmental conditions, the Australia Pacific LNG project at Gladstone proposed by Origin Energy and ConocoPhillips.

The Queensland Government has released its annual Queensland Mines and Quarries Safety Performance and Health Report, which shows improvements across most key measures of safety and health during 2009–10.

The  Queensland Government’s Coordinator-General (CG) has approved changes to the size and location of accommodation villages servicing the $4 billion Caval Ridge Mine project.

Queensland’s new LNG Enforcement Unit, established by the Queensland Government to monitor the emerging CSG-LNG industry, is up and running, headed by Andrew Brier.

The NSW Government has released a scoping paper seeking input from the public and key stakeholder groups to guide the preparation of a NSW Coal and Gas Strategy.

The Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (DRET) has announce the decision to create a new professionally independent unit, to be known as the Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics (BREE).

The Northern Territory Government has renewed leases held by Rio Tinto Alcan on the Gove Peninsula, extending most leases for a further 42 years..

The Labor Party needs to modernise its policy and allow uranium to be exported to India, federal Resources Minister Martin Ferguson says.

Western Australian Premier Colin Barnett has held a meeting with the leaders of the state’s resources industry to try to convince them to award more work to local manufacturers and contractors.

The South Australian Government is providing $3.6 million over the next four years to boost training in the State’s mining industry.

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